Posted : 3 years, 1 month ago on 20 January 2022 08:16
(A review of
Inglourious Basterds)
I'm literally watching this right now on my 5th attempt to watch this film for the first time in 6 years. I hope I can sit through the damned thing because I really wanna give this movie a chance, as war movies have always been one of my favourite genres.
Okay I've finally finished watching it, and it was mid...6/10
Hey no I take that back! This was actually a great movie and I loved it!!!! one of the best watches from January. The acting, the script, the acting, the PLOT...this is literally a must watch and once we are introduced to Aldo everything goes great!

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Posted : 3 years, 1 month ago on 18 January 2022 06:54
(A review of
Jennifer's Body)
People both on here and critics in general rave about how terrible Jennifer's Body is but in all honesty, I think it's a movie that is terribly misunderstood and not just about us having to admire Megan Fox's body while she kills fellow classmates here and there, as a plot. It deals with several deep topics in an intellectual way that mainly girls will exclusively understood. Boys? I don't think so. I mean, until now people are just understanding it again, especially the men that PANNED it when it was first released.
So, in conclusion of this messily written love letter to Jennifer's Body (which doesn't really provide any points, I get that), I honestly think it's a movie for girls only because we are the only ones that'll truly understand it. I also think it's worth a watch especially if you like the 'coquette' or femme fatale aesthetic. Yes, it has several flaws, but beneath that it's honestly wonderful (relatable, even), though I'll recommend it only to people who view similar movies to Jennifer's Body.

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Posted : 3 years, 1 month ago on 9 January 2022 04:04
(A review of
Fight Club)
I watched this film many years ago but found most of it quite tedious and boring, but since those years passed and my mind slightly matured, I decided to give it another chance and decide whether or not my perspective on it differed. Indeed, it was one of the confusing, mind-fuck movies I've ever seen, but that mind-fuck only came in once it was revealed the narrator was actually, Tyler Durdern. It was so confusing that, in the end I stared at a wall for close to 5 minutes coming to terms with the whole plot in itself and it's ending. What I also notice again is that there was also no dull moment in this movie and the dialogue was amazing. Never once did I feel the urge to go on my phone or read a book which most films I see, fall victim to (which forces me to re-watch it again). The actors were also amazing, my favourite was Brad Pitt's portrayal of Tyler (which is unusual for me because, when I watch a movie with him in it, his performance is not my most favourite overall).
In conclusion, Fight Club is a great movie and definitely one to check if you've seen Requiem For a Dream or American Psycho (among other cult classics), and understood its message. My opinion on this film did change after all, and I do think highly of almost everything about it. Fight Club is a film I'll put on during movie night with my friends and will watch all of it, beginning to end, with no interruptions.

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Posted : 3 years, 2 months ago on 2 January 2022 12:38
(A review of
The Dreamers)
The Dreamers I found to be a very cheesy movie. Sure, I liked the aesthetic, but apart from that there was few I actually enjoyed about this film. I thought the majority of the dialogue was awfully cringe and all that this movie was trying to make the three protagonists these fascinating, interesting characters that were so different from society, when really, they weren't and that attempting display utterly failed. I also found it quite boring too, as I do with most of Bernardo Bertolucci's films. Look, I love him as a director and treasure some of his more decent work, but seriously, some of his movies are lengthened out when they could just get to the core point much more quicker. The Dreamers is just so. It didn't help that there was basically incest, which, after seeing La Luna I wasn't surprised at, but by the way 11-year-old me saw it, it seemed normal! That just makes it even more strange, as if that type of relationship is something Bertolucci fantasises. Gross.
Yet, despite the fact I found many flaws within this film, I enjoyed the conversations between some of the characters and found it to be actually quite decent and understanding. Understanding I put an emphasis on, because I watched several films like this when I was younger and didn't understand them at all. This one, I did...in some way. I still think it's worth a watch if you're interested in culture or just books in general. Anyway, I'm sure my feelings for the Dreamers will change over time as I'm rewatching it this year, and my mindset has changed a lot since viewing this film, aged (as said) 11.
1:38 am

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Posted : 3 years, 2 months ago on 30 December 2021 09:28
(A review of
This movie is just boring. I don't know if I should've understood the films message or not but I didn't, and if you did I'm sure you know it required a lot of attention; per usual to a Pasolini film.

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Posted : 3 years, 2 months ago on 29 December 2021 08:43
(A review of
The Young Seducers)
The Young Seducers should only be seen as a porno/erotica because it's not really anything from that. I mean, the plot says so itself and for most of the time it felt like a compilation of Edwin C. Dietrich's wet-dreams. He must've been about 42 when he directed this movie, and fantasising teenage girls fucking each other or with men? Hmm, that's definitely not uncommon but it's just strange. The dialogue too, it seriously felt like it was written in a rush and the characters didn't even get to know one another before they began sexual intercourse. It was also hilarious, whether it was the music put on during the sex scenes or just in general, it made me giggle ironically.
This leaves me on a few final notes: do not take this erotica seriously, as it's just a bunch of clips of teenagers 'pouding' away. Would only recommend for people who 'get by' (I'm not sure what else I can phase that it into, but I'm sure you can comprehend what I mean) watching softcore films like this, which is undoubtedly hormonal teenage boys or elder men, not that they should feel humiliated for enjoying this type of genre. I felt generous ranking this film about a month ago when I first came onto Listal so I gave it a 4/10. My ranking then, remains the same now.

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Posted : 3 years, 2 months ago on 29 December 2021 07:19
(A review of
This Boy's Life)
A wonderfully made film, the subject matter not so much. You really feel a sense of empathy and remorse for both Tobias 'Jack' Wolff, and his Mother all throughout this film; even during the opening scene from Jack's VoiceOver which details why they're moving. Unlike myself about a year ago, if you read the plot before actually watching this movie it'll be quite predictable once we, as the audience, are introduced to Dwight Hansen. But if you don't, only about a quarter into the film your prediction of the ending will become pretty clear, if not accurate.
The acting as well! Man, it was amazing and I'm sure I'd rate this film much lower if the actors who didn't play the antagonists weren't casted. Robert De Niro was brilliant as always, I can tell he put some study into the man he was portraying and I damm hope he was proud of it. As soon as I got to see who Dwight Hansen truly was, I fully loathed the self-centred, bullying jerk he is and couldn't wait to see Caroline and Jack be avenged, and karma coming for him. I don't think I've ever been as angry with someone's attitude as I've had with Dwight's so this is an emotion truly only either De Niro and Al Pacino can make me feel. Leonardo DiCaprio was exceptional in this film as well. You see, unlike many of his fellow heartthrobs of the mid to late 90s DiCaprio could actually play his given role pretty damm well, and this fortunately was one of them. Even the actors of Caroline and Dwight's children were realistic in their performances, and for a film based on a true story this element was strongly needed.
Overall, I enjoyed This Boy's Life. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece but it is a raw, underrated film that showcases domestic and mental abuse quite realistically. Definitely one I'd recommend, unless you want a light-watch (for me it was, but for the several people I've watched it with stated they found it to be the opposite and the subject themes heavy.).

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Posted : 3 years, 2 months ago on 29 December 2021 02:23
(A review of
Dirty Grandpa)
I said to a friend a few nights ago that the humour in this movie was like TikTok's version of dark humour, but unlike making fun of people's disabilities, illnesses or weight the comedy was actually funny, and even quite impressive. My guilty pleasure is bad-rated raunchy comedies like this, because I personally find them entertaining and fun, even if they have flaws or critics absolutely slam them. The acting was okay, I mean Zac Efron basically played himself and the actors of Shadia and Bradley did what they had to do and it was average. HOWEVER, Robert De Niro definitely didn't seem like he enjoyed being in this movie and I can see why. It's definitely out of the genre of what he usually makes (though he's been in several comedies this century) and from what I've read about his personality I'd kind of...see why? Anyway, this is a movie not to be looked at in an intellectual way and I'd definitely recommend to anyone looking for a light watch or someone who, alike me, enjoys these movies.
PS...Aubrey Plaza is so hot in this movie okay bye

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Posted : 3 years, 2 months ago on 29 December 2021 12:44
(A review of
Masculin Feminin)
I was tempted to watch this movie at age 11 after seeing a video edit of this to Mac DeMarco's song 'My Kind of Woman', and for many months after viewing this gem, it became my favourite film! The cast members are not only beautiful but actually have talent, especially Jean-Pierre Lรฉaud, who is now one of my favourite actors. And yes, alike many people who have also watched this film, I agree that times it was difficult to understand and the plot was not challenging, but hard to soothe into. But what I treasured about Masculin Feminin was its aesthetic and how beautiful the cinematography was.
Anyway, even though this film wasn't an easy watch by any means if you do enjoy French films (especially the new wave genre), I recommend Masculin Feminin and encourage you to watch it. It's been a many years since first watching it and calling it 'my favourite film', but only 2 people I've recommended it to regretted watching it.
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Posted : 3 years, 2 months ago on 28 December 2021 08:16
(A review of
Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hot)
Dr. Jekyll Likes Them Hot is, in my opinion a comedic erotica that, when watched, shouldn't be taken seriously or be watched in an intellectual way. If you do attempt to see it this way, you're completely missing out! This film is hilarious and while it doesn't have any deep inspiring message, the comedic themes immensely succeeded. It, by all means is a comfort, light-watching movie and I thoroughly enjoy watching it a dozen times over. Although Edwige Fenech's character Barbara is depicted in a sexual way, it portrayed her in what I say is a 'girlboss, not taking any bullshit from men' way, and because most movies of this era did the opposite with most heroines, I was thoroughly impressed. Hats off to the writers and Steno for styling Barbara relatively well!

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