c1n4m0ng1rl added 3 items to their collection
1 year, 3 months ago
c1n4m0ng1rl added 6 items to their collection
1 year, 5 months ago
c1n4m0ng1rl added 1 item to Watched in 2023 *read description* list
I have five or so other flicks to add to this list but I'm on the opening scene of a movie so I want to put my attention on that and not organising this list. This film reminds me a bit of the almost 10 minute song 'Dance With The Devil'. The first time I heard it I was about to head over to my schools computer room to take my first science exam. I envisioned many scenes in the song to take place in the same areas where this film was shot, and I really did feel something more powerful. Eventually I listened to that song so much I decided to rewatch this movie, the first time was in October 2020 when both me and my friend were going through this Leonardo DiCaprio phase and thought it was just another cute little movie, say similar to 'Titanic' 'Marvin's Room', or 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape?'. Boy, were we wrong. In conclusion, I won't spoil both the song or film for you, but hopefully you will be able to correlate the song and THIS movie together. With love x
2 years, 1 month ago
c1n4m0ng1rl added 3 items to their collection
2 years, 1 month ago